TRAP: The Real Adviser Podcast
Four business-owning entrepreneurial knuckleheads chew the fat on the sometimes murky, always quirky, world of UK and Irish personal finance.
TRAP: The Real Adviser Podcast
52 - KPIs: Key People of Influence
In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss
- Topical issues, including more Irish fraud, US rookie adviser failure rate, UK IFA profitability trends, Central Bank of Ireland on crypto, BestInvest’s Spot The Dog, Vanguard getting “expensive”, SJP and Polaris, boring CVs, US pension horror stories, another AI startup
- Meat and Potatoes: KPIs - Key People of Influence
- Questions posted by our beloved TRAPists Russ M and Ollie L (neither had socials)
- Culture Corner
Links referred to in the show:
- NL: turns out Hargreaves Lansdown DOES have a Slavery Policy. FFS. Goodnight, UK plc: https://x.com/HatTipNick/status/1824716616099156147
- CW: Investment Fraud alive and well in Ireland https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0823/1466327-investment-fraud/#:~:text='Staggering'%20rise%20in%20investment%20fraud,%E2%82%AC28m%20stolen%20last%20year&text=Garda%C3%AD%20have%20warned%20of%20a,than%202021%20and%202022%20combined
- NL: Cerulli 2023 report into US adviser numbers and rookie failures: https://www.cerulli.com/press-releases/the-financial-advisor-industry-has-a-headcount-problem H/T to Ermos Erotocritou CFP https://www.linkedin.com/in/ermos?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_profile%3AACoAAAIJTVEBxQYOFu0tzywLz5MvLmC_1bYQ2yo&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_detail_base%3BXD36DPgCTYWqsIEDTo2ciQ%3D%3D
- AS adviser profitability trends https://www.professionaladviser.com/news/4343067/profits-financial-adviser-firms
- AH - HL cash rates https://www.hl.co.uk/charges-and-interest-rates - Trading 212 5.2% to 5% - Transact 4.95% - CD Impact - What do DFMs pay.
- CW: The Central Bank of Ireland view on Cryptocurrency https://www.centralbank.ie/consumer-hub/crypto-consumer-information#:~:text=Crypto%20is%20not%20a%20regulated,crypto%20and%20crypto-related%20products
- NL:
TRAP LIVE25 - 14TH MAY. PUT THE DATE IN YOUR DIARY! Click here to register your interest.
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